illegalmig15Research Institute for European and American Studies
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece
Editor: Ioannis Kolovos

On the distinction between "illegal immigrants" and "refugees"
A very insightful comment by journalist Tassos Telloglou, as terminological accuracy is always essential in the understanding of any issue.

The relevant article can be read here (in Greek only)

Deputy Minister for Citizen's Protection admitted that people with extremist views may be included among illegal immigrants
The Deputy Minister for Citizen's Protection Mr Nikos Toskas admitted that the inflow of immigrants from Turkey to Greece is so large that people with extremist views may be included among immigrants and may pose a threat. His words were proven right a few days later when the terrorist attacks in Paris took place.

The relevant article (Kathimerini, 8/11/2015) can be read here (in Greek only)

migration17Research Institute for European and American Studies
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece

Editor: Ioannis Kolovos

13.2% of births in Greece come from foreign mothers
According to 2014 data 13.2% of births in Greece came from foreign mothers (12,173 births out of a total of 92,148). Moreover, the Greek population continues to decline and age.

The relevant article (Kathimerini, 1/10/2015) can be read here (in Greek only)

An important admission...even if it is 20 years late!
The Hellenic League for Human Rights admitted that, in the mid-90s, the Greek citizenship was granted to "a significant number of people who were not of Greek-Pontian descent".

HLHR's press release can be read in full here (in Greek only)

migration17Research Institute for European and American Studies
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece
Editor: Ioannis Kolovos

Despite the vast increase in illegal immigrant inflow the number of asylum applications in Greece remains low
According to the latest data of the Hellenic Asylum Service, in the period from January to July 2015, 7,469 asylum applications have been submitted.

The relevant article (Kathimerini, 30/8/2015) can be read here (in Greek only)

Turkish migrant smugglers give forged Syrian passports to illegal immigrants
Frontex's Executive Director Mr Fabrice Leggeri pointed out that a large network operates in Turkey which sells forged Syrian passports to illegal immigrants. He also emphasized that due to the great inflow not all immigrants are being screened and thus there is no full picture of the actual profile of all these immigrants

illegmigResearch Institute for European and American Studies
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece
Editor: Ioannis Kolovos

Frontex publicized their Annual Risk Analysis for 2015
The analysis noted that "Compared to the previous year, the sharp increase in the Aegean Sea in 2014 meant that migrants departed from more areas, and also arrived on a larger number of islands... Many migrants claimed to be Syrian, and were thus handed an administrative notice allowing them to stay in Greece for up to six months, even without applying for asylum. Screening processes of some migrants revealed a high degree of falsely claimed nationalities to avoid return" (p. 20).

The analysis can be read in full here (in English)

Making the same mistake again and again and again!
The deputy Minister for Immigration Policy Ms Tasia Christodoulopoulou announced that the government is planning to legalize illegal immigrants who have been in the country for 10 years.

The relevant article (Epohi, 10/5/2015) can be read here (in Greek only)

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