Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece
Editor: Ioannis Kolovos
Greece’s borders “are as open as a barn’s gate”
European Union Ministers of Interior slammed Greece for not adequately guarding its borders and for not curbing illegal immigration and threatened with the reinstatement of internal border controls if this situation persists!
The relevant article (Kathimerini, 9/3/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Inflow of illegal immigrants to Greece has not really decreased
The decrease of arrests for illegal entry and/or illegal stay in Greece in 2011 (99,368 foreigners compared to 132,524 in 2010 – a 25% decrease) is not due to the improvement in the guarding of the country’s borders but is mainly owed to the abolition of the visa regime for Albanian nationals who, since December 2010, can freely enter Greece and remain in the country for three months. In 2011 only 11,743 Albanians were arrested for illegal entry and/or illegal stay in Greece.
The relevant article (Kathimerini, 13/3/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Unemployment much higher for foreign nationals
According to the latest Labor Force Survey (4th trimester of 2011) the unemployment rate of foreign nationals was much higher compared to the Greeks (25.2% compared to 20.2% respectively).
The relevant press release by the National Statistics Authority can be read here (in Greek only)
Greece and Germany to co-operate more closely in an effort to curb illegal immigration
The chief of the German Federal Police Mr Matthias Seeger met with the chief of the Hellenic Police Mr Nikolaos Papayiannopoulos and agreed that the two authorities should co-operate more closely in an effort to curb illegal immigration. Moreover, it was decided that Police Connections will be exchanged and they will be situated in the international airports of the two countries.
The relevant press release by the Hellenic Police HQ can be read here (in Greek only)
RIEAS and ICBSS co-operation started bearing fruit
On March 19th, RIEAS and ICBSS organized a very successful Round Table Discussion on “Illegal Migration and Human Trafficking in the Balkans and the Black Sea Area”, which took place in the European Parliament Office.
Relevant news reports (in Greek only) can be found here and here
New Minister for Citizen’s Protection promised tough stance on illegal immigration
The new Minister for Citizen’s Protection Mr Michalis Chryssochoidis promised to crack down on illegal immigration and improve the situation in Athens city centre by arresting illegal immigrants and sending them to special detention centers.
The relevant article (Kathimerini, 21/3/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Backlog in asylum applications starts to clear
29,000 asylum applications (down from 47,000 six months ago) are waiting to be discussed by five committees. The granting of asylum has reached 1.8% in the first degree and 19.24% in the second degree.
The relevant article (Ta Nea, 21/3/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Another ring which provided illegal immigrants with invalid residence permits has been found!
Hundreds of illegal immigrants were provided with ‘legal’ documents by a ring which included civil servants and operated in the Kryoneri local authority.
The relevant article (Ethnos, 22/3/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Minister for Citizen’s Protection promised to create 30 detention centers for illegal immigrants
Let’s hope that it is not just another election promise…
The relevant article (Kathimerini, 27/3/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)