Dimitrios Anagnostakis
(PhD Candidate in transatlantic relations, Department of Politics and International relations, University of Nottingham, UK)
Copyright: www.rieas.gr
Note: Dimitrios Anagnostakis received his MSc in Intelligence and Strategic Studies in Aberystwyth University, UK.
During the last years both academics and practitioners have argued for greater cooperation between the member states of European Union (EU) in the field of intelligence (Heinrich, 2006; Nomikos, 2005, p.201; Segell, 2004, p.82). The transnational nature of most of the current threats to European security (such as international organized crime, terrorism, illegal immigration and drug trafficking) implies that the member states should enhance their cooperation in areas which are placed at the heart of national sovereignty (Coosemans, 2004, p.6). Read more