Dr. Glen Segell
(Researcher at The Institute for National Security Studies Tel Aviv, Israel)

Copyright: www.rieas.gr

The European Union was formed on the understanding that the sharing of resources was the basis for ensuring peace, stability and prosperity. No longer would Europe go to war over the iron, steel and coal of the Saar Basin and the Sudetenland. No longer would agricultural land be turned into battlefields.

The principle of “all for one and one for all”, echoes the famous writing of Alexandre Dumas in the novel of the Three Musketeers. Recently the European Union has spread its wings in sharing; between Greece, Cyprus and Israel with American Assistance.

Daniel Pipes

(President of the Middle East Forum. His bi-weekly column appears regularly in theWashington Times and in newspapers around the globe, including the Israel Hayom (Israel), La Razón(Spain), Liberal (Italy), National Post (Canada), and the Australian)   

Copyright: http://www.meforum.org

The Republic of Cyprus has entered the maelstrom of the world's most volatile region thanks to new-found gas and oil reserves combined with an erratic Turkish foreign policy and a civil war in Syria. Even as leaders of this Mediterranean island show skill dealing with these novel threats and opportunities, they need support from a strong U.S. Navy, something not now available... Read more

Efraim Inbar
(Professor of political studies at Bar-Ilan University, the director of the Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies and a fellow at the Middle East Forum)


Israel’s apology to Turkey for “operational errors” in the Mavi Marmara incident is a diplomatic mistake both in terms of substance and timing. It’s hard to understand or justify Israel’s weekend apology to Turkey. While the use of Israeli force in the Mavi Marmara “flotilla” incident was not very elegant, it was perfectly legitimate – as the UN-appointed “Palmer Commission” unequivocally determined. Moreover, the incident was a Turkish provocation that warrants a Turkish apology, not an Israeli one...  Read more

Alliance merits U.S. support and recognition

Copyright: www.washingtontimes.com

The Eastern Mediterranean is transforming, and partnerships are being formed to reflect the changing geopolitical reality. The United States should support and recognize the region’s blossoming Hellenic-Israeli partnership, which could be transformative for the respective nations and the international community of democratic stakeholders. …… Read more

George Stavri
(Energy Analyst from Cyprus, a Stanford University graduate mentored by former US Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice, today a Visiting Researcher at Dundee University's Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (UK) working on the geo-strategic repercussions in the region of the New Energy alliance of Cyprus, Greece and Israel)


Executive Summary:

A long-running speculation over massive natural gas reserves in the tumultuous area of the South-eastern Mediterranean and in Cyprus's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) became a reality in December 2011 when official reports of the research and scoping were released. Nearby Israel has already confirmed its own reserves right next to Cyprus' EEZ but the location of Cypriot reserves with all the intricacies of the intractable Cyprus Problem and the discovery's timing along with other grave and interwoven events in the region, came to create a veritable tinderbox......  Read more

Hλίας Κονοφάγος και Νίκος Λυγερός

Copyright: H. Konofagos & N. Lygeros on line

Η θαλάσσια (offshore) παγκόσμια παραγωγή πετρελαίου και φυσικού αερίου ανέρχεται σήμερα σε 42,3 εκατομμύρια βαρέλια (boe) ημερησίως δηλαδή αντιπροσωπεύει το 30% περίπου της παγκόσμιας παραγωγής υδρογονανθράκων. ........    Read more

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