Dr. Nikos Deniozos
(Commodore, Hellenic Coast Guard (ret.)
Copyright: www.rieas.gr
When in 2004 Greece was living the “triumph” of Olympic Games, nobody was believing, or in the worst case was less optimist, that the wave of clandestine immigrants which was grown to gigantic dimensions with increasing rate, would constitute the triggering of a series of problems creation which would converse the country in a multicultural caricature. The temporary “disappearance” of illegal immigrants crowd during the Games as it was quite natural didn’t solve the problem in question but on the contrary it was escalated. The numerous political leaderships were proved due the time, unable to perceive that the incubation of snake’s egg under the form of tolerance of the concrete situation, created not only questions concerning the destruction of social fabric as well as the social cohesion, for example the Athens down town’s ghetto establishment, but furthermore, was the cause in order to be come up matters regarding the criminality increase and security deficit as well. Of course the words of an ex minister of Public Order will be unforgettable, who via TV broadcasting, was thanking clandestine immigrants because they preferred Greece. Thus the country was been drawn in the maelstrom of the matter in question, unable to face it with, effectively.
The lack of a viable and rational migratory policy as well as the lack of infrastructures for the hospitality of illegally entering immigrants in order afterwards take place whatever is provided by the legislation procedures, as well as the unwillingness of neighbor Turkey, on one hand to be seriously committed as far as this matter concerned, on the other hand to keep the readmission agreement , constituted the triggers for the firing of a such form of crisis. Professor Constantine Romanos makes a correct remark: « In English language there is a distinction between the terms immigration policy and immigrant policy – policy for problems solving concerning the legal immigrants. The immigration policy is always a State policy aiming at national interest, namely determinates the accurate number of immigrants which the national economy needs, which are the destination countries, the kind of labor specialization, the time period etc. On the other hand the policy for the immigrants is mainly social policy which cares for the isonomy function as well as the keeping of the rest of humanitarian principles that govern the civilization of the country regarding the legal immigrants. This distinction is intentionally being by- passed in Greece. Here is being propagandized exclusively the concept of policy for immigrants and is being avoided carefully the formulation of a rational immigration policy of State.» (Constantine P. Romanos, Disaster for the Nation in Progress – Greece in the eye of cyclone of New Order (in Greek), p. 104)The sense of urgent, a basic principle in crisis management, unfortunately didn’t constitute in any case a matter of attention on behalf of who are competent and get ordered of solving problems of a such question. Instead of this, meetings on meetings were hiding the problem beneath carpet, while the same time period the scorn of both human life and properties, in urban areas which were characterized by state officials as “sanitary bombs”, continues to show off the multidimensional trait of this crisis.
Moreover the immune presence as well as the development of criminal networks, that push forward all this wave of clandestine immigrants in our country, except of other undermine in a great extend the national security as well. Questions as the demographic alteration, the deficit of Greek character of education because of the dominated position which possesses the highlighted multicultural concept, as well as the unredeemed intentions of immigrants, mainly coming from neighboring countries, constituting potential minorities, confirm this truth. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t ignore the results of fluctuating crisis because of clandestine immigrations, such as the flourishing of illegal trade, the labor without insurance, the “breaking” of wages etc These aforementioned aspects had multiplicatively functioned and function against economic, labour and social order.
Even thought the mobilization of international police co=operation’s mechanism via FRONTEX resulted positive outcomes after the decrease of illegal immigrants flows, both from sea routes and Evros land frontiers, however many things should still carry out. Indicatively the following are mentioned: First of all the Greek State is necessary to built up the security feeling with non –fragmentary actions which won’t take place for impressive reasons either. Secondly, the coming up of multicultural concept, in order the public to be being disorientated, shouldn’t exceed as far as the national conscience’s cultivation concerned. Thirdly, the State’s mechanisms should discover and bring proprietors to justice, who lease apartments which are being deprived of basic sanitary conditions, to illegal immigrants. The last ones are strictly being squeezed into these apartments. Thus the proprietors in question, profiteer as they earn lease per capita and this income isn’t declared to tax office at all. Fourth, to be accurately estimated the required number of legal immigrants which will remain in the country for the benefit of Greek economy. Of course the rest of them to be pushed back. Fifth, the adoption and implementation of illegal immigration policy aiming at national interest.
As conclusion, is being pointed out that Greece, in the middle of serious economic crisis in question, deals with crisis which was created by the illegal immigration’s impacts. Unfortunately the concrete phenomenon was irrationally and unjustifiably grown to gigantic dimensions and escalated. It was proved that the governors were neither disposing the proper capabilities in recognizing the precursors signs nor existed a fast and effective response. There isn’t time for waste.