Ioannis Chapsos
(Commander, Hellenic Navy (PhD Cand.) Hellenic Supreme Joint War College Instructor, Global Security specialist)


The traditional concept of global security was state centric, focused on identifying, analysing and eliminating the threats stemming from their relations in the international system. These threats referred mostly to the use of military force between states; hence they were racing in order to procure vast armament arsenals, conventional and nuclear, in an effort to achieve the advantage of force superiority against potential adversaries. Read more


Ioannis Kolovos
(RIEAS Editor, Illegal Immigration Newsletter)


On January 23rd 237 illegal immigrants, escorted by extreme leftists, boarded on a ship from Chania, Crete to Piraeus and from there they traveled to Athens city center where they occupied the building of the Athens University Law School. Their demand was that of amnesty for all illegal immigrants living currently in Greece. Such a demand – if met – would have contravened the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum but, more importantly, would have been a suicidal own-goal. It would apply to hundreds of thousands of people (moderate estimates talk of 470,000 but illegal immigrants in Greece may well be twice as many, or even more) and it would once again send a signal to all countries in the world that Greece still is ‘soft touch’ on immigration and that if someone, somehow makes it in the country and stays in long enough, he/she will be legalized sooner or later.

Aya Burweila
(RIEAS Senior Analyst)


After twenty-two years of exile and within sixteen days since President Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia, Rashid Al-Ghannouchi, the leader of the Islamist Ennahdha movement returned to Tunisia on Sunday, January 30th.

Chanting verses from the Qur’an, over 1,000 supporters appeared in Tunisia’s international airport to greet him.
However, they were not the only ones waiting for him.

Though overshadowed by Al-Ghannouchi’s supporters, a group of 20 to 30 women concerned with the future of Tunisia’s civil society formed a counterprotest, holding signs that read "No to Terrorism" and "Welcome Free Tunisians."[i]

Dr. George Vardangalos
(Electrical and Computer Engineer, IT Consultant, EPIS Ltd)



Last year, especially after February 2010, we were reading numerous articles describing the severe economic crisis in Greece, articles that were front-page news in the world mass media in most cases. But the “process” that led to the Greek economic crisis was not new, as it was firstly described in detail in some papers or internet media just in 2009. Read more

Aya Burweila
(RIEAS Senior Analyst)


Even though the right to a legal secession requires a U.N. Security Council resolution or the bilateral agreement of both parties,[i] with the support of the United States and its various European allies, the Muslim-Albanian province of Kosovo seceded from the Republic of Serbia on February 17, 2008 and unilaterally declared its independence.

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