Dean Andromidas
(Analyst, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)
Copyright: Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) on line
The great edifice of the Euro Empire appears to be crumbling before the mass strike now sweeping Greece. Hundreds of thousands of Greeks have taken to the streets to demonstrate they can no longer tolerate brutalization for the sake of a mountain of unpayable debt. The paralyzed Greek government is unable to implement the austerity plans required before yet another EU bailout can be implemented, to prop up the hopelessly bankrupt euro financial system.
The Greek government's own paralysis is mirrored 17 times over by the paralysis of the 17 nations that make up the Eurozone. After losing their bailout ringleader, former International Monetary Fund director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, they are unable to agree on a policy to save the doomed Eurozone. While the Eurogang squabbles over unworkable schemes ranging from ``voluntary haircuts'' for private creditors to wet dreams of a giant new bailout fund of EU1.5 trillion, the only solution available is the restoration of a Glass-Steagall standard in the United States, and its extension to Europe.