Editors: Stuart Farson, Peter Gill, Mark Phythian, Shlomo Shpiro
Volume 1
The Americas and Asia
Volume 2
Europe, the Middle East, and South Africa
Book Description
Over recent years, security and intelligence issues have been pushed to the forefront of global political debate to an unprecedented degree. Books on all aspects of intelligence have been released, but significant gaps remain. One important gap lies in the absence of an authoritative and comparative look at national approaches to security and intelligence and the resulting impact on international cooperation. Given the range of countries that need to be represented to produce an authoritative account of an issue of such global relevance and importance, a single volume would prove inadequate.
This two-volume work provides chapters on national cultures of security and intelligence, which address common questions and themes. Countries have been chosen that are representative or significant to given regions, with authors covering strategic environment, regime type, accountability, impact of 9/11, international cooperation, and national cultures of intelligence. While concerned with national approaches, the volumes recognize and analyze developments in international intelligence co-operation. The authors address the extent of co-operation with other national security and intelligence agencies and consider special relationships' where they exist. Each volume contains a separate chapter on developments in the internationalisation of intelligence.
Table of Contents:
Volume 1: The Americas and Asia
Introduction Peter Gill
Part One: North America
Canada Stuart Farson and Reg Whitaker
The United States Loch Johnson
Mexico Imtiaz Hussain
Part Two: Central and South America
Argentina - Priscila Antunes
Brazil Marco Cepik and Tom Bruneau
Colombia Steve Boraz
Cuba Hal Klepak
Part Three: Australasia
Australia David Martin Jones and Carl Ungerer
New Zealand Willem de Lint
Part Four: Asia
India Rahul Roy-Chaudhury
Pakistan - Asad Durrani
Indonesia Damien Kingsbury
Japan Hajime Kitaoka
South Korea Jon Moran
Vietnam Carl Thayer
Volume 2: Europe, the Middle East, and South Africa
Part Five: North and West Europe
Germany Anna Daun
Netherlands - Beatrice de Graaf
Spain - Antonio M. Daz Fernndez
Sweden Dennis Tllborg
United Kingdom Mark Phythian
Part Six: South and East Europe
Albania - Sotiraq Hroni
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kalman Kocsis
Bulgaria Vesselin Petkov
Greece - John Nomikos
Russia Andrei Soldatov
European intelligence collaboration Thorsten Wetzling
Part Seven: Middle East
Iran - Meir Javedanfar
Iraq David Strachan-Morris
Israel Shlomo Shpiro
Jordan - Nawaf Tell
Palestine - Roland Friedrich and Mohammed Najib
Part Eight
South Africa Kevin OBrien
Conclusions Shlomo Shpiro
About the Editors and Contributors
Information about the book:
Book Code: C9206
ISBN: 0-275-99206-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-275-99206-4
DOI: 10.1336/0275992063 DOI:10.1336/0275992063
700 pages, figures; tables
Praeger Security International Multi-volume
Publication: 4/30/2008
List Price: $225.00 (UK Sterling Price: £125.00)
Availability: Not yet published. (Estimated publication date, 4/30/2008)
Media Type: Hardcover
Also Available: E-book