Raagini Shekher Sharma
(RIEAS Senior Analyst)
Copyright: @ 2022 Research Institute for European and American Studies (www.rieas.gr) Publication date: 11 December 2022
Note: The article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS).
The Relevance
The Group of Twenty (G20) was formed in 1999 in the wake of the economic meltdown in South East Asia that shook the economy of the world with a view to unite the world’s largest established and emerging economies and ensure global financial and economic stability. The aim was to create a global ecosystem that would support equitable growth and development. The most powerful economies in the world, both developed and emerging, were brought together for this common cause. In the third summit in 2009 held in Pittsburgh, the leaders designated the G20 as the “premier forum for international economic cooperation.”.. Read more