Dr. Gulrez Sheikh
(Author, Columnist & geopolitical analyst based in India)
Copyright: @ 2021 Research Institute for European and American Studies (www.rieas.gr) Publication date: 14 November 2021
Note: The article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)
According to a WSJ investigation, between 1998 & 2019, Beijing supported Huawei with about $75 billion via tax breaks, loans, credits. China also raised barriers to foreign telecom suppliers at home, protecting Huawei & other domestic providers, and lobbied foreign governments to help Huawei secure deals abroad.
Since Huawei/ZTE are required by law to cooperate with China’s intelligence operations if asked, they will remain vulnerable to pressure from Beijing. Chinese businesses operates without ethics, morals or rules. In Serbia, recently leaked documents suggest that Huawei made shadowy payments to obtain contracts with a state-owned telecom company....Read more