Greece and corruption
Τάσσος Συμεωνίδης
(RIEAS Academic Advisor)
Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies (
Publication date: 10 February 2019
Note: The article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the Re-search Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS).
For as long as anyone can remember corruption has been at the center of the perennial Greek crisis of politics, society, and economic stability. Even after nearly ten years of unprecedented punishment by the EU “bailouts” Greece remains as corrupt as before. Is there anything that can be done to break this fatal deadlock?
Corruption, both private and public, enjoys such a long tradition and roots so deep that it would take a cataclysmic jolt to bring about even moderate change. Corruption is practically synonymous with Greek “government” and public “ethics.” Bankruptcy, and the disastrous “bailouts” that have turned Greece into a subject nation of limited sovereignty, has only made a bad situation infinitely worse....Read more