Dr. Glen Segell
(Fellow – The Ezri Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies,University of Haifa, Israel)
Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies (www.rieas.gr) Publication Date: 9 November 2014
The Southern flank of Europe is the Mediterranean Sea. It is a small sea and many countries rely on the freedom of both sea and air traffic for their economy. On the one hand there was optimism that the Arab Spring would bring greater freedom for the individual in countries on the southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. There was further optimism that the North African countries of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt would become closer partners in all matters with the countries on the northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea such as Greece, Italy and France. This has not emerged because the waning of the dictatorial regimes in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt have also enabled radical and extremist Islamic groups to emerge and grow in strength. If only the phenomena were restricted to these countries then perhaps the fledgling radical movements could be contained. However they reflect a more wider global phenomena that endangers European and American security.... Read more