The political history of the Cypriot “problem” (which is actually the Cypriot Catastrophe equal to that which befell Greece in Asia Minor) is too long and convoluted to be absorbed lightly. Its dynamics though haven't been extinguished by any measure and are hovering, like long shadows, over the present “inter-communal talks” to re-unite Cyprus under a “bi-zonal” federation.

Talks or no talks though, the consequences of the 1974 Turkish invasion and partition of the island remain very much unaffected despite nearly four decades of “re-unification diplomacy.” In the meantime, Greece, especially after the Republic of Cyprus's accession to the EU, has grown distant from the Cyprus “national issue;” Turkey, although affected in some ways by Cyprus's EU membership, has not diluted its belligerent position stemming from its secure occupation of almost half the island; Turkish troops remain deployed and heavily armed only a stone's throw from the free areas; and the “international community” dilly dallies, as usual, when it comes to Turkish hostility and aggression against its neighbors.

Greece, in its present shape of semi-economic collapse and under growing pressure from its European “partners” to shape up (or, eventually, ship out), has little, if any, wherewithal in the diplomatic arena. Its still wholehearted support of the Turkish EU bid further complicates the situation as it comes in complete contradiction to any attempt to create pressure on Turkey to “compromise” on Cyprus. By necessity, therefore, the Greek posture remains one of wishful speeches, “severe” messages to Ankara to comply with diluted EU “measures,” and complete lack of any form of action that could stir the pot, initiate “unpredictable” twists in the Turkey-EU saga, and depart from the demands of Greece's “allies” regarding Turkey's “geopolitical” role.

Greek politicians have of course forgotten, willingly, one of the oldest principles of Strategy: no ante bellum regime can be changed favorably by the defeated around any table of negotiation. And since Greece and Cyprus were both defeated, mainly by their own hand, in 1974, the message of this strategic principle becomes even starker and more oppressive.

The Cyprus “issue” in now mentioned in Greek “circles” only followed by shrugs and raised brows. Few, if any, Greek “leaders” grasp the strategic significance of allowing Turkey to dictate terms and keep Cyprus hostage. Few, if any, Greek “leaders” remember that History moves inexorably without any care whatsoever for domestic “political imperatives” and “communication needs.” And few, if any, Greek “leaders” have eyes for the map and can establish the critical relationship between Cyprus under enemy influence and Greece's (retreating) sovereignty in the Aegean.

But, of course, we forget: once Turkey becomes a member of the EU, all these problems will magically vanish as we all come together in one big, happy family, yes?

At no cost (to the Turks).

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