awcrieasIn March 2016, United States Air Force War College students spent time in Athens during a regional cultural studies trip. They engaged with representatives of the Hellenic Air Force and National Defence General Staff. They also visited the Hellenic National Defence College, Athens think tank, RIEAS - Research Institute for European and American Studies, museums, and the Acropolis.

intelligence103The Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) introduces the Global Security and Intelligence Studies (GSIS) presented by the Policy Studies Organisations (PSO).

Aims and Scope

Global Security and Intelligence Studies (GSIS) is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, open access publication designed to provide a forum for the academic community and the community of practitioners to engage in dialogue about contemporary global security and intelligence issues. The journal welcomes contributions on a broad range of intelligence and security issues, and from across the methodological and theoretical spectrum. The journal especially encourages submissions that recognize the multidisciplinary nature of intelligence and security studies, and that draw on insights from a variety of fields to advance our understanding of important current intelligence and security issues. In keeping with the desire to help bridge the gap between academics and practitioners, the journal also invites articles about current intelligence and security related matters from a practitioner perspective. In particular, GSIS is interested in publishing informed perspectives on current intelligence and security related matters. GSIS welcomes the submission of original empirical research, research notes, and book reviews. Papers and research notes that explicitly demonstrate how a multidisciplinary approach enhances theoretical and practical understanding of intelligence and security matters are especially welcome... Read more

humint16Keshav Mazumdar


My intent is to incorporate solution for UNCERTAINTY in warfare in existing Doctrine. Uncertainty leads to Surprise, something which is the primary Endeavour of any Commander in warfare. Indications and Warning surely affords a solution, but indications and warning often leads to a reactive intelligence collection. we wait until a new capability or weapons system is discovered, that capability or system is implemented by the enemy with devastating results, still we cannot counter it as it being new we do not have a defence system nor a counter-system , and by the time we develop it they have either have had sufficient time to test it practically on us and develop it further or we have had terrible losses in our armed forces , installation, C2 nodes or for that matter overall defeat. Read more


Shaun Riordan, a former British diplomat, draws on his own experience, case studies, and current debates in international relations to assess the performance of diplomatic services and to sketch out the new diplomatic environment. Traditional diplomatic services and structures are found wanting.Read more

aclaybrook15Andrew Claybrook
(Studied History, International Relations, and Government in Europe and the United States)

In the spring and summer of 1943, the Nazis deported 47,000 Jews from the city of Salonika, Greece to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland. An estimated 1,000 of these deportees escaped death and returned to Salonika to find their properties looted and occupied by Christian "trustees" appointed during the Nazi occupation. Until 1943, Salonika, the second largest Greek city, was the "Jerusalem of the Balkans" thanks to its flourishing Jewish Community dating back to the early times after the birth of Christ...Read more

dbaymanbookWhat Everyone Needs to Know

Daniel Byman
(Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service: Author of "A High Price and Deadly Connections")

Copyright: Oxford University Press – Republication at the Research Institute for European and American Studies ( on 21 October 2015

Al Qaeda became a household name on September 11, 2001, but the organization that changed the face of terrorism and unleashed a whirlwind of conflict and chaos had been on the scene long before that eventful morning. In Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone Needs to Know, Daniel Byman presents a concise overview of Al Qaeda's trajectory: its humble origins in Afghanistan, its indecisive early years, its explosive transformation into a global brand and ideology, and its gradual decline and potential usurpation by rivals. Read more

websterlogo16Webster University, founded in 1915 with its St. Louis home campus located in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, is the only private, nonprofit university with campus locations around the world including metropolitan, military, online and corporate, as well as American-style traditional campuses in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Webster University is uniquely positioned to offer you these revolutionary programs....  Read more

iafie18Last year Bob de Graaf (University of Ultrecht and Netherlands Defense Academy, Breda, The Netherlands) and James M. Nyce (Ball State University, USA) started a project on an edited volume about lesser-known European Intelligence Communities. The idea behind the volume is that intelligence studies are still focused on four countries: The US, the UK, Russia (and the former Soviet Union), and Israel. Since many European nations now have some kind of academic intelligence studies the need for information about the intelligence communities of other European nations has increased.

During the conference the group expressed an interest in institutionalizing its cooperation beyond the book project. As most of the authors are working in academia teaching intelligence studies, it was decided that the most logical way of doing so would be to establish the group as the starting point of a European chapter of International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE). The Group decided unanimously to have Siegfried Beer (Austria), Bob de Graaf (the Netherlands), Pierre Memheld (France) and John M. Nomikos (Greece) on the first board of this European chapter. (IAFIE Newsletter, Spring 2014, Vol. VI, No.2, p:3)
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