afghaniintelbookThe War on Terror has left Afghanistan without a viable centralized intelligence agency. Thousands of bloodstained and heartbreaking stories in newspapers, journals and books document the failures of the KHAD and NDS. The government and military are both crippled by the "bad intel" due to lack of mutual trust and limited information sharing. Read more

biophotoHis book explores how potential bio-threats and risks may evolve post 9/11 given the rapid changes in biotechnology and synthetic biology. It also explores what role intelligence communities can play in understanding threats and risks. It argues that although bio-threats and risks are largely low probability and high impact in nature, intelligence in ‘Five Eyes’ countries remain insufficiently prepared to understand them. This book identifies key areas where intelligence reforms need to take place including a more strategic and systematic collaboration between national security/law enforcement intelligence and the scientific community. It is aimed at intelligence analysts, those in the scientific community working on health security threats, policy makers and researchers working on biosecurity and bioterrorism threats and risks. Read more

ehudeilam9Israel’s military doctrine was aimed at defeating powerful Arab militaries, mostly those of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. In the years 1948-1982 Israel and Arab states had a series of wars i.e. high intensity wars. Israel, since 1948, also dealt with guerrilla and terror attacks. Since 1982 and mostly in the last 15 years Israel faced hybrid forces, Hamas and Hezbollah. Those groups are a mix between a conventional military and a guerrilla group. Israel fought against Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006 and against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, mostly in two wars, in 2008-2009 and in 2014.

Israel’s Military Doctrine begins with explaining Israel’s national security policy. Ehud Eilam then focuses on how the IDF (Israel defense forces) had to adjust its doctrine and build up to confront hybrid forces, by examining Israel’s air and the ground corps and major issues such as offense and defense, infrastructure and manpower.

The IDF can inflict heavy casualties and damages to a hybrid foe. Yet destroying the latter is a tall order because Hezbollah and Hamas are too elusive, they hide inside populated areas etc. However, compared with past wars against Arab states, there is much less danger to Israel let alone to its survival since even a coalition between Hezbollah, Hamas and other groups can’t defeat the IDF. Furthermore since fighting a hybrid force is less demanding than running a high intensity war against an Arab state, then Israel does not rely that much on the United States in receiving weapon systems, ammunition and spare parts. Read more

bookavivaSwitzerland suffered four major terrorist attacks in 1969 and 1970, which forced the Swiss government to address the issue of international terrorism for the first time. Subsequently, “neutral” Switzerland worked closely with Western Cold War powers to develop international counterterrorism measures and forged a European-Israeli counterterrorist alignment to counter Palestinian terrorism in Europe.

Using recently declassified archival records, this book is the first study to examine how the Swiss government positioned the country within the international struggle against terrorism. The book brings to light the creation of the Club de Berne, a secret European network of intelligence agencies connected to Israel and the United States. It offers new insights about the history of Swiss, Western European, and Israeli security cooperation. Read more

ddrspionageBook Summary

The edited volume, edited by Helmut Muller-Enbergs and Thomas Wegener Friis, is the first step of the project “DDR-espionage in the World”, which explores the intelligence activities of the GDR outside of Germany. East Germany and certainly its secret police “The Stasi” is a legend within the World of intelligence – for better and for worse. But what is behind the scenes? How well did the German communist agents actually do, when they went beyond the comfort zone of the German language?

The first volume in the series presents 13 articles concerning 10 countries: Albania, America, Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, and Great Britain. It's a broad variation of small and big states, of partners and foes. The authors present the current state of art, and their work is meant to encourage new research into Cold War espionage. Although, the first East German archives were made accessible already in the early 1990s, research German focused primarily of local history. Today, several other Central European and even Western archives are open improving the possibilities to systematic research in historical espionage considerably.

This volume - as well as the following - is meant to give new impulses, especially to a strengthened cooperation between European researchers. It should rather be a point of departure than the final answer to all questions. Read more

secindefThe Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) joins the Security-Intelligence and Defense (SECINDEF) Israel-USA International Consulting Counterterrorism as well as the International Observatory for the prevention of jihadist terrorism (OCATRY). Read more

safemanual18Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies (
First Publication date: 23 July 2016

Το Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)- Ερευνητικό Ινστιτούτο Ευρωπαικών και Αμερικανικών Μελετών δημοσιεύει Εγχειρίδιο Επικοινωνίας σε Τρομοκρατικές Κρίσεις της SAFE COOMS για Δημόσιες Αρχές. Read more


Οι εκδόσεις Ποιότητα κυκλοφορούν το βιβλίο του Κωνσταντίνου Μπαλωμένου, Διεθνής τρομοκρατία και στρατηγική επικοινωνία, διαχείριση τρομοκρατικών κρίσεων.
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Στο παρόν βιβλίο ο συγγραφέας με έναν άμεσο και επιστημονικό ταυτόχρονα τρόπο αναλύει το εξαιρετικά επίκαιρο θέμα της τρομοκρατίας από τις απαρχές της ως και σήμερα και θεμελιώνει γιατί η τρομοκρατία πληροί όλες τις προϋποθέσεις και τα δομικά στοιχεία μιας κρίσης και γιατί ως τέτοια πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζεται. Ταυτόχρονα, μελετά την τρομοκρατία ως ένα διεθνικό φαινόμενο και επισημαίνει ότι τα αίτια που την προκαλούν οφείλονται στη φύση του άναρχου διεθνούς συστήματος και στον ανταγωνισμό των κρατών για να αυξήσουν την ισχύ τους ως επακόλουθο της διαιώνισης τους διεθνούς προβλήματος που προσδιορίζεται από την άνιση ανάπτυξη, τον ηγεμονισμό και τις διεθνείς επεμβάσεις...Read more

LeobookLin L.S.F., Nomikos J. (2018) Cybercrime in East and Southeast Asia: The Case of Taiwan. In: Masys A., Lin L. (eds) Asia-Pacific Security Challenges. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. Springer, Cham.

Copyright: © Springer International Publishing AG 2018


This chapter aims to scrutinize cybercrime as one of the security threat types of transnational organized crime (TOC) in East and Southeast Asia region in the era of globalization. This chapter examines the nature of cybercrime and how it has evolved in the Asia-Pacific region in the era of globalization. Following the booming economy in East and Southeast Asia, the internet has been used as a terrain to conduct transnational crimes, and the criminals try to utilize the loopholes between legal and judicial systems among the countries in the region. This chapter examines the threats that have been posted by cybercrime, which is different from the “traditional” organized crime activities. This chapter uses Taiwan (the official name is the Republic of China, R.O.C.) as a case study. Following globalization and technological development, Taiwan’s underworld went into a new stage of development, penetrating political, economic and other aspects in the society. Thus, many organized crime groups vigorously expand their organizations oversees into East and Southeast Asia. As a result, Taiwan exported many masterminds of telecommunication and internet fraud crime and those criminals form organized crime groups in the third countries. The whole region is affected by the telecommunication frauds conducted by transnational criminal groups that are in many cases headed by Taiwanese. This phenomenon has become a security threat to the region that requires cross-border cooperation and joint effort. Read more

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