Stefania Ducci is RIEAS new Senior Analyst. Read more
Stefania Ducci is RIEAS new Senior Analyst. Read more
Some six years after a Greek anti-terrorism tribunal convicted 15 operatives of the deadly November 17 terrorist group the case is far from closed. Key questions remain unanswered while a handful of operatives and collaborators who played a vital role in identifying high value targets for one of Europe’s deadliest terrorist groups remain at large. Read more
Δρ. Χρήστος Ιακώβου
(Διευθυντής του Κυπριακού Κέντρου Μελετών - KYKEM)
Copyright: Christos Iakovou on line
Όταν πριν από δέκα χρόνια, οι ΗΠΑ έσπευσαν να βοηθήσουν τις τουρκικές δυνάμεις να συλλάβουν τον ηγέτη του Εργατικού Kόμματος του Κουρδιστάν (PKK), Αμπντουλλάχ Οτσαλάν, πολλοί μίλησαν για το τέλος του Κουρδικού ζητήματος, ελάχιστοι όμως μπόρεσαν να αναλύσουν το γεγονός εκείνο μέσα από ένα διαφορετικό στρατηγικό πρίσμα. Το θέμα αυτό ήρθε στην επιφάνεια μετά την επίσκεψη του Ομπάμα στην Τουρκία τον περασμένο Απρίλιο και τις έκτοτε εξελίξεις γύρω από τη Μεσανατολική διάσταση του Κουρδικού. Μέσα σε λιγότερο από εκατό χρόνια, αφότου το Κουρδικό άρχισε να σχηματοποιείται ως γεωπολιτικό ζήτημα στην Μέση Ανατολή, δεν είχε πάρει τέτοια περιφερειακή διάσταση όπως τη σημερινή.
Dr. Peter Nanopoulos
(Computer Science Department Chair, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Information Technology University of Indianapolis-Athens).
Copyright: Peter Nanopoulos on line
Until recently, we used to teach our students that economic development is driven by four foundational factors of production: Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. In the digital age we need to add one more latent element, Information Technology, in recognition of the fact that technology defines the competitiveness of agriculture, the efficiency of industrial production, and the productivity of the steadily rising services sector, which includes governmental output.
Dr. John M. Nomikos (RIEAS Director) participated in the “Century, Intelligence, Security and Anti-Terrorism in the 20th Century” on 13-14 November 2009 in Koper- Capodistria, Slovenia.
Stefania Ducci, “The Italian Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee”, RIEAS: Research Paper, No. 138, (December 2009). MCIS (Italian Version) and (English Version)
Jean Labrique
(Secretary General to Western Defense Studies Institute, Rome
and President to European Osint Nexus - EON, Paris – Bruxelles)
Copyright: Jean Labrigue on line
Spain, Hungary and Belgium have agreed to cooperate during the period they will each head the EU.
The challenges are many and amongst them there is one that we should monitor with interest: inter-government cooperation in the sharing of information and intelligence. I use both words deliberately. In the modern computerized world, information - masses of information, is readily available to everyone, private citizen and governments alike…however, intelligence is that information which has been collected, processed and analyzed…usually by governments. It is this process of collection, analysis and dissemination that makes information useable, i.e. intelligence…and also probably sensitive and classified.